E00 to PostGIS filter |
e00pg is a tool for converting ESRI-E00 coverages into PostgreSQL/PostGIS sql instructions.
Project Descriptione00pg is derived from M.Wurtz's m.in.e00 filter used in GRASS to import Arc/Info coverage export files. The code has been hardly modified and has loosen much of its original shape.
StatementThis program results from the parser I wrote for study purposes, it is far from being a full featured e00 filter. I choose to make it public telling to myself: "better than nothing...". I hope someone will find it useful. There's not any documentation other then this page, a sample script under ./examples and the usage output from --help command line option. Email me to get details and/or to report bugs.
Featurese00ps translates e00 tables to sql scripts suitable to be run in a PostGIS-enabled PostgreSQL database. e00pg does not support raster grids. Polygon topology is not formed in output features. The PAL section is copied 'as is'. All arcs come output as LINESTRING geometries.ESRI does not release E00 export format specification, informations about this format can be found at Daniel Morissette's GIS Data Translators page. e00pg will be modified in order to use avce00 instead of its own parsing functions. E00 files are mainly split in two sections: arc-section and info-section. From arc-section e00pg parses ARC, LAB and PAL tables, skipping all the others. From info section e00pg parses all tables keeping eventual additional attributes and reflecting them in sql. For each parsed table e00pg outputs a file with name tablename.sql. The geometry data will be output using PostGIS geometry data types. Using the --ifogeom option, it is possible to output a POINT geometry column from info tables having two columns representing x and y coordinates.
ImprovementsApart bug fixes, I'll work on adding support for projection and integrate avce00 library calls.
AuthorRoberto Micarelli |